Bedded Sandstones & Siltstones
A layer thicker than 1cm is referred to as a bed
Size: 13 cm

Laminated Sandstone
Layers thinner than 1cm is referred to as laminations
Size: 12 cm

Cross Bedding in Red Sandstone

Non horizontal deposition of sediments due to wind or water currents; found in sand dunes, river channels and deltas
Size: 12 cm

Stratified Sandstone

Particles gradually change in size from coarse sand particles on the bottom to finer silt particles at the top of the sediment sequence indicating a gradual change of transport conditions during deposition from a high-energy to a low-energy environment.

Size: 25 cm

Load Structure

Soft-sediment deformation where the load of massive sand on less dense mud causes the formation of casts
Size: 8 cm

Ripple Marks

undulations of the sediment surface produced as wind or water currents move across the sediment
Size: 15 cm

Ripple Marks in Red Sandstone

Indicate the direction of currents at the time of deposition
Size: 20 cm

Ripple Marks in Sandstone

Ridges form at right angle to the direction of motion with the steeper side in the down current direction
Size: 10 cm

Mud Cracks

Formed in shallow lakes and desert basins when mud is exposed to air, dries out and shrinks, forming cracks
Size: 15 cm

Rain Prints

Circular pits on the sediment surface produced by the impact of raindrops when the sediment was still soft
Size: 7 cm